The use of geoinformatics in the analysis of business processes is almost endless. 


To transform data using geometric operations and queries allows to solve the problems of finding optimal routes, efficient placement of retail trade, environmental and medical problems, and to conduct competitive analysis, etc.


It is quite useful for any business to use the results of spatial data processing and analyzing  to solve economic and industrial tasks.


• Prepare vector layers of the data from real estate cadastre and from open sources for: valuation activities, cadastral valuation, department accounting and information systems.

1. Layer sets in any GIS format. 
2. Development of utilities to perform reporting documents n directly in GIS.

• Prepare analytical material on the territory distribution of objects and groups of objects by a certain industry: medicine, distribution, education, etc.

Estimated data and reports on the relationship of various nature objects and specifics; provided with cartographic material.

• Create utilities for GIS that provide automation of obtaining necessary data on production objects and economic activity.

Creation and installation of additional GIS modules at the workplaces of employees that automate the process of searching statistical data and preparing reports.

• Develop unique (local) coordinate systems for production facilities and territories.

Research of unique parameters of coordinate systems, preparation and submission of reports to the Federal Fund of Spatial Data on the establishment of the coordinate system.

• Geoinformation and statistical analysis of the product sales and services.

Report on the identified relationships between quantitative and qualitative sales indicators, basing on the peculiarities of spatial distribution of infrastructure facilities.